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рак горла

Braverman with соавт. (5) have estimated a hormonal background at 16 women (middle age 43 years) with come{stepped} owing to chemotherapy аменореей in from 3 till 44 months (a median - 8,5 months). The level сывороточного эстрадиола at 60 % of patients corresponded{met} пременопаузальному in spite of the fact that the level фолликулостимулирующего hormone (ФСГ) was in постменопаузальном a range. The received data are necessary for considering at purpose{assignment} ингибиторов ароматазы to women with induced chemotherapy аменореей. It is obvious, that at this category of patients менопаузальный it is necessary to confirm the status definition of a level эстрадиола and ФСГ which further should be supervised each 3 months. Подробнее...

The second purpose of operative treatment of the widespread cancer яичников is removal{distance} or the maximal resection as primariest tumour, and all its{her} metastasises. Removal{distance} of a great bulk of a tumour improves the general{common} condition of patients due to reduction of an intoxication and normalization of function of intestines. Besides циторедукция raises efficiency of the subsequent chemotherapy due to reduction of number of tumoral cells{cages} including resistant to chemotherapy, transition of the most part of the staying cells{cages} from a phase of rest in a phase of division, and removal{distance} it is bad васкуляризованных sites of a tumour in which hit of antineoplastic preparations is complicated. Подробнее...