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фитотерапия в онкологии

Efficiency hypodermic мастэктомии at a distance dairy железы called a fabric into question Goldman and Goldwyn in 1973 when, after executed on standard technics{technical equipment} hypodermic мастэктомии, the residual fabric has been found in 83 % [24]. Other research which has been lead{which has been carried out} to 1991 Barton et al. [25], in which was compared the quantity{amount} of the fabric left after modified radical мастэктомии and full ferruterous мастэктомии by a plenty интрооперационных биопсий, result had 5 % positive биопсий at both types of operations, at average quantity{amount} of a left fabric dairy железы 0,2 % from initial volume. The conclusion which has been made, consist that full ferruterous мастэктомия is effective procedure for removal{distance} of a fabric dairy железы in comparison with modified radical мастэктомией. Подробнее...

Braverman with соавт. (5) have estimated a hormonal background at 16 women (middle age 43 years) with come{stepped} owing to chemotherapy аменореей in from 3 till 44 months (a median - 8,5 months). The level сывороточного эстрадиола at 60 % of patients corresponded{met} пременопаузальному in spite of the fact that the level фолликулостимулирующего hormone (ФСГ) was in постменопаузальном a range. The received data are necessary for considering at purpose{assignment} ингибиторов ароматазы to women with induced chemotherapy аменореей. It is obvious, that at this category of patients менопаузальный it is necessary to confirm the status definition of a level эстрадиола and ФСГ which further should be supervised each 3 months. Подробнее...