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- Рак

папиллом онкология рак

There are messages on detection virus ДНК in cells{cages} РШМ both in integrated, and in эписомальной forms. Essential distinctions in character of integration ВПЧ of types 16 and 18 come to light. On the basis of the data on forms of integration virus ДНК assumptions of the possible{probable} importance of both forms персистенции ДНК ВПЧ types 16 and 18 are stated, and integration is not a determining part in the mechanism of an induction туморогенеза [23]. Подробнее...

The problem of oncological diseases is one of main for a modern society. Under forecasts the CART desease and death rate oncological diseases all over the world will increase in 2 times for the period since 1999 for 2020: with 10 up to 20 million new cases and with 6 up to 12 million registered death. Подробнее...