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онкология г москва

Originally in researches GOG 111 and OV-10 it has been shown, that паклитаксел in a combination with цисплатином essentially improve results of treatment in comparison with a combination цисплатин-циклофосфан. High нейротоксичность combinations цисплатин-паклитаксел has made actual replacement цисплатина on карбоплатин. In several researches [Neijt J.P., AGO, GOG-158] it has been shown, that such replacement does not result in deterioration of the remote results and essentially improves bearableness of treatment. Then in research GOG-132 it is revealed, that at purpose{assignment} as combinations паклитаксела and цисплатина, and consecutive use of two preparations (цисплатина for the first line and паклитаксела for the second line), life expectancy of patients is identical. Thus, necessity of use таксанов at various stages of treatment for achievement of the best results has been once again underlined. Подробнее...

Since this message, within 7 years, and also the decision of technical questions of reconstruction a plenty of the works devoted to safety issues of preservation of a leather{skin} during radical мастэктомии, in particular an estimation of probability of development of local relapses was published in these conditions [29-33]. The general{common} conclusion of these works was significant advantage of the received results, in comparison with standard techniques. Подробнее...