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онкология почек

Slavin et al. informs on average percent{interest} локорегиональных relapses - 11,7 % at the average period of supervision 5,4 years in a series of 120 patients by which reconstruction with use of own fabrics has been executed at II and III stages of a cancer dairy железы. Thus basically relapses Would be observed at patients with III stage [11]. Подробнее...

Researchers from Center MD Anderson in 1998 publish 5-years results of treatment of patients инвазивным cancer I-II of a stage with one-stage reconstruction, also having divided{shared} patients on two groups as executed мастэктомии with one-stage reconstruction - with preservation of a leather{skin} (104 patients) and without (27 patients) [36]. The percent{interest} of local relapses has made accordingly - 6,7 % and 7,4 %, system progressing of illness of 12,5 % against 25,9 % in group standard мастэктомии, parameters безрецидивной and the general{common} survival rate in the first group have made 88,5 % and 80,8 %, and in the second 74,1 % and 55,6 %. Certainly, in the given situation it is possible to think of absence of impartiality of the surgeons choosing methods for treatment of those or other patients when the patient with more worse forecast carried out standard operative interventions. Подробнее...