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дерматолог онколог консультация консультировать москва

The term "cancer" has come to us since ancient times and, probably, is connected to when did not know an essence of illness, designated them to any appreciable attribute of the most accessible forms of disease. A latin word канцер (cancer) - a cancer, ancient greek каркинос (karkinas) - the crab. By analogy between выростами a malignant tumour in fabrics surrounding her{it} and finitenesses of a cancer, the crab, have named this disease by a cancer. This ancient term presently is well-known all and frightens everyone. Medical workers try to not apply it{him} at dialogue with patients. Relatives of patients also should not forget about it. Подробнее...

Modern молекулярно-trouble-shooting tests quickly move ahead in a direction of increase of their sensitivity and specificity. Now for identification virus ДНК various techniques of hybridization ДНК and molecular cloning are used. The most sensitive method now recognizes полимеразная chain reaction with типоспецифическими and species-specific праймерами, allowing to reveal virus sequences in геноме cells{cages} of tumours шейки a uterus in 95-100 % of cases [5,14,18,22]. Now it is identified more than 100 types ВПЧ, are in detail described more than 70 types, the fact is fixed, that certain types ВПЧ can infect strictly certain kind эпителия and to cause characteristic changes. Revealing of multi-variant approach of genotypes ВПЧ and identification of the data specific accumulation about malignant transformation генитальных кондилом have allowed to consider{examine} папилломавирус as possible{probable} этиологический the factor of development РШМ [13,15,20,23]. Подробнее...