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хронический миелоидный лейкоз

The arsenal of the antineoplastic means used for carrying out of chemotherapy of the second line is extraordinary great. To them concern паклитаксел, доцетаксел, топотекан, липосомальный доксорубицин, пероральный этопозид, винорельбин, гемцитабин, оксалиплатин, алтретамин, ифосфамид. So big list of preparations is more likely the certificate of that any of them does not allow to reach{achieve} long remissions at the majority of patients. Efficiency of them changes from 12 up to 40 % at average life expectancy of 9-12 months. Подробнее...

Инфицированность ВПЧ type 18 contacts the worse forecast Walker (1989) and Burnett (1992), Riou (1990) and Higgins (1991) specify higher parameters of death rate in case of ВПЧ-NEGATIVE tumours, in researches Hоweey (1991), Sebbelov (1991), Chen (1993), Ikenberg (1994) similar law has not been revealed [цит. On 14]. However results of similar researches are put under doubt by the modern data on revealing sequences virus генома a method полимеразной chain reaction in 95-100 % of cases плоскоклеточного a cancer and аденокарцином шейки a uterus [18,23]. The age of patients, on one data, is not connected to молекулярно-genetic determinants of infection ВПЧ while other authors specify, that ВПЧ type 18 or ВПЧ type 16 come to light at younger patients is more often. Stage FIGO, by results of one researches, has not been connected to молекулярно-genetic determinants of infection ВПЧ [14,18]. Подробнее...