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рак гортани

The question of preservation of a leather{skin} dairy железы with the purpose of improvement of results of reconstruction remains unresolved from the beginning of XX century. Variants of operations at which removal{distance} of a fabric dairy железы with preservation of a leather{skin} and сосково-ареолярного a complex was carried out with the purpose of the prevention{warning} of development of a cancer in opposite iron and one-stage reconstruction, have started to be developed since 1917 when Bartlett has executed the first hypodermic мастэктомию with one-stage replacement of the removed fabric dairy железы a free fatty fabric [12.] Rice and Strickler in 1951 publish the data on results hypodermic мастэктомии concerning good-quality diseases [13]. Also in this problem actively are engaged Freeman [14, 15] which uses эндопротезы for reconstruction dairy железы, Pennisi and Capozzi [16-18] and Woods [19]. All these surgeons carry out the same operation at which rather thick skin rags will be mobilized, and also the disk of a fabric dairy железы under сосково-ареолярным a complex for improvement of his{its} blood supply is left. The general{common} name of this operation - hypodermic мастэктомия. Подробнее...

People have got used to search for external enemies. Will find scientists the reason of a cancer, we shall avoid her{it} also all will be in the order. Will fail. Desease a cancer is in direct dependence on age, is approximately doubled each five years. That is, in 60 years the risk to be ill a cancer more than in 10 times is higher, than in 40 years and more than in 50 times is higher, than in 20 years. And irrespective of external "cancerogenic" factors which though exist, but incommensurably smaller weight, than this, "spontaneous" desease connected to natural deterioration and breakages of an organism at a cellular level have it. Подробнее...