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пластическая хирургия в онкологии

Viruses of papillomas concern to family паповавирусов (Papovaviridae) and represent group of the viruses amazing large horned livestock, birds and the person which are capable to infect базальные cells{cages} of a leather{skin} and flat эпителия. Папилломавирусы - one of the most heterogeneous groups of viruses which criterion of a differentiation is the degree of genetic relationship of viruses according to molecular hybridization: she{it} can change from 10 up to 85 %. Diameter of virus particles of 55 nanometers. The virus has no external environment. Капсид a virus will consist from 72 капсомеров. The detailed analysis of molecule ДНК ВПЧ became possible{probable} after development of a technique of splitting ДНК with use эндонуклеаз and the analysis of these fragments with the help gel - электрофореза. The given method has allowed to define{determine} characteristic pictures of splitting ДНК and to create a physical card{map} of an arrangement of points of splitting in геноме various папилломавирусов [20]. Подробнее...

The decision on a choice of preparations for chemotherapy of the second line should be based, first of all, on definition of sensitivity of a tumour to derivatives of platinum after chemotherapy of the first line. The interval between the termination{ending} of therapy of the first line and progressing of disease more than 6 months testifies to high sensitivity of a tumour derivatives of platinum. Such patient for treatment of relapses should be appointed a combination of derivatives of platinum and new preparations from among that are used for carrying out of the second line of chemotherapy. At separate patients with duration of remission more than 12 months probably carrying out of chemotherapy of the second line by the same combination which was used at a stage of an induction. Frequency of objective effect at use of a combination of derivatives of platinum (is $more often карбоплатина in view of his{its} smaller toxicity) and new preparations makes 30-50 % at average life expectancy of sick 12-14 months. Подробнее...