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меланома глазной орбиты

For the first time serious assumptions of a possible{probable} role of viruses of papillomas in development РШМ have been stated in the middle of 70th years. It is necessary to emphasize, that definition of concept " a virus as этиологический the factor of development of a tumour " is based on a combination of the following criteria: 1) regular detection in tumoral cells{cages} virus ДНК (both in integrated, and in эписомальной to the form); 2) клонированные virus genes in cellular systems in vitro should induce malignant transformation of cells{cages}, including cells{cages} of the person; 3) regular экспрессия virus genes in tumoral cells{cages}; 4) existence in the nature of the similar viruses, capable to induce formation{education} of tumours at эксперементальных animals; 5) the epidemiological data confirming communication{connection} between tumoral process and presence of a virus genetic material in tumoral cells{cages}. The technique of molecular cloning has allowed to create a physical card{map} of viruses with the help эндонуклеаз, to define{determine} a site and sequence of the proteins coded by a virus [13,19.] has been shown, that in cells{cages} РШМ by a gene of a virus is actively transcribed, and crucial importance for development РШМ has персистенция virus генома [23]. The cellular lines received from a tumoral fabric шейки of a uterus, allow to carry out{spend} the comparative analysis of lines and tumours on персистенцию virus ДНК, function and экспрессию genes ДНК of a virus of a papilloma of person (ВПЧ). In fabrics эпителиальных дисплазий and карцином шейки a uterus during tumoral transformation regulation of a transcription virus онкогенов is broken, that is shown by quantitative distinctions in экспрессии early genes Е6 and Е7, playing the basic role in an induction of malignant growth of cells{cages} [22]. Подробнее...

During many years was considered, that usual, flat (ювенильные) and генитальные warts are caused by one type папилломавируса, and distinctions in clinical current are caused by distinctions in localization. Sights at a pathology кондилом шейки a uterus have been considerably reconsidered after Meisels, Fortin (1976), Purola, Savia (1976) have described генитальные flat and inverted (эндофитные) кондиломы, having defined{determined} their basic difference from кондилом other localizations, and postulated цитоморфологические attributes папилломавирусной infections: коилоцитоз or баллонирование the cells{cages}, described increased, гиперхромными the nucleus surrounded with a precise zone of light cytoplasm. Later with the help электронно-microscopic, иммуногистохимических and ДНК-гибридизационных researches it has been confirmed them папилломавирусная этиология [9,20]. Подробнее...