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- Рак

вакцинотерапия рака онкология меланома

Nevertheless, there is no work which even indirectly confirmed deterioration of results безрецидивной and the general{common} survival rate of patients by which it is executed мастэктомия with preservation of a leather{skin} with one-stage reconstruction dairy железы. Подробнее...

In summary it is necessary to note, that РШМ is unique model associated with a virus infection канцерогенеза. Uniqueness of her{it} is defined{determined} by constant presence at tumoral cells{cages} экзогенной the genetic information possessing трансформирующим in potential, presence of experimental acknowledgement{confirmation} of a role трансформирующих virus genes in an induction of the transformed phenotype and accumulation of a plenty of the epidemiological data confirming communication{connection} between tumoral процесом and presence of a virus genetic material. Подробнее...