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медицина онкология рак желудка

The data of the first intermediate analysis of results of research BCRIG01 are published, in which comparison of efficiency of standard mode FAC (500/50/500) with a таксан-containing mode (with inclusion Таксотера) ТАС (75/50/500 (1) is lead{carried out}. Both modes were used with an interval of 3 weeks in quantity{amount} of 6 rates. This first published research estimating a role доцетаксела (Таксотера) in адъювантной of therapy of a cancer dairy железы. Earlier in two other researches (С9344 and В30) the role паклитаксела has been investigated, and one of them (С9344) has shown increase безрецидивной and the general{common} survival rate at patients with рецептороотрицательными tumours at use паклитаксела is consecutive with a mode the EXPERT. Подробнее...

Virus fiber Е7 is capable to break regulation of the control клеточого a cycle, forming a stable inactive complex with a series of fibers regulating a cellular cycle; stimulates succession of events in a S-phase of a cellular cycle by инициации репликации virus genes and infringement of regulation пролиферации the transformed cells{cages}. The opportunity of uncontrollable synthesis cellular ДНК under influence of fiber Е7 is supposed. Thus, fiber Е7 is multifunctional due to interaction with cellular fibers; fiber Е7 is capable to cancel a stop of cells{cages} in a G1-phase of a cellular cycle, to render митогенное influence and to stimulate uncontrollable synthesis ДНК [12,13,16,22]. Подробнее...