- Лечение онкологии
- Меланома
- Лейкоз
- Острый лейкоз
- Хронический лейкоз
- Лейкоз крови
- Рак

химиотерапия хронический лейкоз лечение

Results of one of the most representative on number of participants (9366 patients with an operable cancer dairy железы in менопаузе) researches АТАС in which comparison of efficiency тамоксифена (20 mg / day is lead{carried out}), анастрозола (1 mg / day) and are submitted to their combination at адъювантном application within 5 years. Подробнее...

Good-quality tumours - tumor benignum, grow slowly, can exist years, not increasing. They are surrounded with own environment. At growth, increasing, the tumour removes surrounding fabrics, not destroying them. The histologic structure of a tumour insignificantly differs from a fabric in which she{it} developed. Therefore good-quality tumours carry names of own fabrics from which they have developed, with addition of a suffix of "ohm" from the Greek term "онкома" (tumour). For example, a tumour from fatty weaved - липома, from connecting - a fibroma, from muscular - a myoma, from a bone fabric - остеома, etc. Removal{Distance} of a good-quality tumour with its{her} environment conducts to full treatment of the patient. Подробнее...