консультация онколога дерматолога
Considering these data, in the beginning of 90th the first publications published by several surgeons which concerned changes of traditional cuts{sections} at modified radical мастэктомии with the purpose of improvement of results of one-stage reconstruction dairy железы have appeared. In particular, the first work on this theme has been published in magazine " Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery " in 1990 Toth et al. in section " Ideas and innovations " [28]. In this work the case of one-stage reconstruction of both dairy желез concerning a mucous cancer right dairy железы at the patient with risk of development of a cancer in another dairy iron has been submitted. In connection with that at the patient dairy железы were sizable in a combination with expressed птозом, it has been executed modified radical мастэктомия with cuts{sections} on type редукционной plastics and preventive мастэктомия at the left with one-stage reconstruction билатеральным completely деэпителизированным cross-section ректо-абдоминальным (TРAM) a rag c good aesthetic result. In one year, the same group of surgeons publishes the report on 17 patients with which one-stage reconstruction c has been executed by application of a similar technique which the author has named " Wise pattern " with use of various techniques of reconstruction. In this work the term " мастэктомия with preservation of a leather{skin} " for the first time has sounded, and also principles of performance of similar operative interventions have been sounded. These principles included: 1) Removal{Distance} of all fabric dairy железы 2) removal{distance} сосково-ареолярного a complex 3) removal{distance} of a leather{skin} in a projection preoperative биопсии 4) an opportunity to execute axillary лимфаденэктомию from the same access. Подробнее...
Braverman with соавт. (5) have estimated a hormonal background at 16 women (middle age 43 years) with come{stepped} owing to chemotherapy аменореей in from 3 till 44 months (a median - 8,5 months). The level сывороточного эстрадиола at 60 % of patients corresponded{met} пременопаузальному in spite of the fact that the level фолликулостимулирующего hormone (ФСГ) was in постменопаузальном a range. The received data are necessary for considering at purpose{assignment} ингибиторов ароматазы to women with induced chemotherapy аменореей. It is obvious, that at this category of patients менопаузальный it is necessary to confirm the status definition of a level эстрадиола and ФСГ which further should be supervised each 3 months. Подробнее...