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мономиелоцитарный лейкоз

At patients РШМ earlier beginning of a sexual life is marked in comparison with control groups. Often change of sexual partners, early age of the first sorts [2,5,17] have adverse value. In a number of epidemiological and клинико-statistical researches decrease{reduction} in desease РШМ at women has been marked, whose husbands were exposed циркумцизии. This fact connected with possible{probable} cancerogenic action смегмы. Other authors have come out with the assumption of carcinogenicity contained in sperm гистона and протамина, capable in culture of a fabric to cause атипию multilayered flat эпителия шейки a uterus [3,4]. A number{line} of authors specify also some increase in desease инвазивным РШМ at women with a low social and economic level and the educational qualification [2,17], in other works such correlation is absent [3,14]. The factor of a heredity, significant at a cancer эндометря and яичников, at РШМ special does not play a role [2,3,8,14]. Till now the question on a role of the trauma connected to sorts and abortions, and contraceptive means as the moments contributing to development of tumours шейки of a uterus is discussed. Подробнее...

In research AGO-GINECO authors have estimated expediency of addition антрациклинов to a combination карбоплатин паклитаксел. Inclusion эпирубицина has strengthened toxicity of a combination, but has not improved results of therapy [10]. In research SCOTROC comparison available today in our disposal таксанов is made: паклитаксела and доцетаксела [11]. Both preparations in a combination with карбоплатином have shown identical frequency of objective effects and time before progressing. The combination карбоплатин-паклитаксел possessed more expressed нейротоксичностью while карбоплатин-доцетаксел caused development нейтропении is more often. Подробнее...