лимфо лейкоз
During tumoral transformation the key role is played with virus genes Е6 and Е7 which activity is supervised регуляторным by site URR. This site генома contains area of the virus promotor, a locus репликации, энхенсерные elements, активирующие the sequences necessary for репликации virus ДНК, sites of linkage for fiber Е2, cellular factors of a transcription, receptors of a progesterone and глюкокортикоидных hormones [16]. In регуляторной areas генома the promotor р97 (ВПЧ type 16), р105 (ВПЧ type 18), regulating экспрессию virus genes settles down; activity of the promotor is adjusted by virus and cellular fibers. Онкобелок Е6 plays a role коактиватора, cooperating with factors of a transcription and elements of the basic транскрипционного a complex. Подробнее...
Middle age of patients has made 64 years; 84 % had positive рецепторный the status, 34 % - positive axillary лимфоузлы, 21 % of patients received адъювантную chemotherapy earlier. Reception анастрозола associated with reduction of risk рецидивирования on 17 % (1 % in absolute values) in comparison with тамоксифеном (р=0,0129); the combination анастрозола and тамоксифена did not differ on efficiency from monotherapy тамоксифеном. It is necessary to note, that reception анастрозола associated also with essential decrease{reduction} in risk of development контралатерального a cancer dairy железы (р=0,0068). Костно-muscular pains, and also crises of bones much more often were observed in group анастрозола while тромбоэмболические episodes and gynecologic complications, including a cancer эндометрия, much more often met in group тамоксифена. Thus, анастрозол it can be considered{examined} as alternative тамоксифену at patients in менопаузе with positive receptors. Reception анастрозола has considerably lowered frequency of development контралатерального a cancer, and this fact is the basis for studying group ингибиторов ароматазы as means of preventive maintenance of a cancer dairy железы in groups with the raised{increased} risk. Подробнее...