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Cancer as the illness amazing the person, it is known from time immemorial. Paleontologists have found out tumoral changes in a jaw of the primitive person living about{near} полумиллиона of years back. The cancer is mentioned in ancient papyruses. Why the problem malignant новообразований became such actual during the latest time? Подробнее...

Social and economic progress and huge achievements of medicine in struggle against heavy infections, children's death rate and a tuberculosis have led to to that people began to live much longer. Today the person is threatened most of all with the illnesses more often meeting at elderly both senile age and one such illnesses the cancer is. Подробнее...

The problem of a cancer is many-sided, physicians of various specialities and representatives of other sciences take part in its{her} decision: biologists, genetics, biochemists, pharmacologists, sociologists, psychologists, ethnographers and many others. Now the big scientific and statistical material on the various questions concerning the reasons of occurrence, desease and death rate from malignant tumours is saved up. For last decades the medicine was enriched with new knowledge and experience in treatment of this illness. Подробнее...