лечение острой хирургической патологии при лейкозе
In communication{connection} with obviously not radical character циторедуктивной to operation by all sick cancer яичника IC-IV stages show carrying out of chemotherapy. Last years there is an intensive search of the most effective combination for carrying out of the first line of chemotherapy. In table 2 results of the most important рандомизированных the researches published in the literature or reported in a preliminary kind at the international congresses and conferences are resulted. At the analysis of results of treatment the essential increase in life expectancy of patients with the widespread cancer яичников is evident. If in the end 80-Х--the beginning of 90th years average life expectancy made 18-24 months in the majority of the resulted researches this parameter has increased till 30-38 months. Подробнее...
Long enough time dominated the opinion based on statement R.Meyer (1910) about trauma as этиологическом the moment of metaplastic changes эпителия шейки of a uterus. G.Ward (1935) counted, what not breaks шейки a uterus in themselves, and the subsequent infection conducting{leading} to a chronic inflammation, is этиологическим the moment in development карцином. Howard (1951) at research of histologic preparations шейки a uterus at the confirmed inflammation found out метаплазию эпителия in 83 % of cases. A.I.Serebrov (1957) wrote: " ... Not smaller value, than a mechanical trauma, in патогенезе a cancer шейки a uterus has a local infection, more truly, a combination of these two conditions ". Modern epidemiological researches have confirmed these assumptions, having allocated as risk factors РШМ the early beginning of a sexual life, early the first роды, often change of sexual partners, venereal diseases (including at sexual partners). Use of modern methods of contraception also is discussed as a possible{probable} risk factor of a gynecologic cancer. It is established, that use of barrier methods of contraception results in authentic decrease{reduction} in desease РШМ [3,5,14,22,23], application внутриматочных contraceptives does not render influence on desease РШМ [6]. Подробнее...