рак матки метастазы
Process of integration is accompanied by partial loss of a genetic material of a virus, thus virus a gene irrespective of делеций loses ability to full репликации, and in the cells{cages} containing integrated cellular gene, there is no production of virus particles. Assume, that integration represents активационный the mechanism of a progression неоплазии from дисплазии a heavy degree to a cancer; she{it} originally carries поликлональный character. Most frequently in канцерогенез шейки a uterus are involved certain{determined} speed up chromosomes 5,6,10,11 and 17. Integration virus ДНК induces instability cellular генома and as consequence{investigation} an induction of infringements in the various chromosomes tested on loss of heterozygosity. The site of primary integration virus ДНК is not determined, quite often it{he} settles down near to cellular онкогенов [4]. Подробнее...
Thus, gene Е6 is multifunctional fiber, трансактивирующая which activity assumes participation in regulation of a transcription, interaction with a gene р53, his{its} degradation, in infringement of the mechanism of the control of cellular growth and process of a differentiation of cells{cages}. However till now there is no harmonous representation about the mechanism of interaction of virus fiber Е6 with cellular fibers in vivo. Virus fiber Е7 cooperates with cellular fiber Rb105, Rb-related fibers and Н1-киназой. These interactions are the independent processes necessary for effective transformation of cells{cages} by fiber. Fiber pRb (р105) is a product of a gene ретинобластомы, супрессора cellular growth. Подробнее...