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диагностика рака шейки матки

In РОНЦ him{it}. N.N.Blohina of Russian Academy of Medical Science in surgical branch of regenerative treatment мастэктомия with preservation of a leather{skin} is carried out since 1995. Now the data of this branch, III oncological branches of city clinical hospital are incorporated? 1. Novosibirsk, and branch of the general{common} oncology of regional clinical hospital of Tula. In total by February, 2000 58 operations, from them 23 with use силиконовых экспандеров are executed, at 35 reconstruction is executed TРAM-by a rag on a muscular leg. Подробнее...

Both these of technics{technical equipment} have been developed for performance превентивных operations at high risk of development of a cancer dairy железы and more often were accompanied by reconstruction with use, as own fabrics, and силиконовых эндопротезов. Подробнее...