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рак предстательной железы

Other school of surgeons submitted Thorek [20], Maliniac [21], Bader [22] and Horton [23], propagandized use of other technics{technical equipment} at which thin rags as at radical мастэктомии, and all fabric under сосково-ареолярным a complex necessarily left were allocated, despite of risk некроза. This kind of operation refers to full ferruterous мастэктомия. Подробнее...

The cellular lines received from tumours, and биоптаты from патологически the changed fabrics long time remained a unique material for studying mechanisms папилломавирусной infections. Unsuccessfulness of reproduction папилломавируса in culture of cells{cages}, absence convincing серологических tests for a virus infection, variety of displays цитопатических effects of a virus and subjectivity of an estimation and interpretation a virus - induced cytologic and гистопатологических changes constrained the further researches. Подробнее...