онкология в офтальмологии
In research AGO-GINECO authors have estimated expediency of addition антрациклинов to a combination карбоплатин паклитаксел. Inclusion эпирубицина has strengthened toxicity of a combination, but has not improved results of therapy [10]. In research SCOTROC comparison available today in our disposal таксанов is made: паклитаксела and доцетаксела [11]. Both preparations in a combination with карбоплатином have shown identical frequency of objective effects and time before progressing. The combination карбоплатин-паклитаксел possessed more expressed нейротоксичностью while карбоплатин-доцетаксел caused development нейтропении is more often. Подробнее...
Results of one of the most representative on number of participants (9366 patients with an operable cancer dairy железы in менопаузе) researches АТАС in which comparison of efficiency тамоксифена (20 mg / day is lead{carried out}), анастрозола (1 mg / day) and are submitted to their combination at адъювантном application within 5 years. Подробнее...