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государственный нии онкологии

Long enough time dominated the opinion based on statement R.Meyer (1910) about trauma as этиологическом the moment of metaplastic changes эпителия шейки of a uterus. G.Ward (1935) counted, what not breaks шейки a uterus in themselves, and the subsequent infection conducting{leading} to a chronic inflammation, is этиологическим the moment in development карцином. Howard (1951) at research of histologic preparations шейки a uterus at the confirmed inflammation found out метаплазию эпителия in 83 % of cases. A.I.Serebrov (1957) wrote: " ... Not smaller value, than a mechanical trauma, in патогенезе a cancer шейки a uterus has a local infection, more truly, a combination of these two conditions ". Modern epidemiological researches have confirmed these assumptions, having allocated as risk factors РШМ the early beginning of a sexual life, early the first роды, often change of sexual partners, venereal diseases (including at sexual partners). Use of modern methods of contraception also is discussed as a possible{probable} risk factor of a gynecologic cancer. It is established, that use of barrier methods of contraception results in authentic decrease{reduction} in desease РШМ [3,5,14,22,23], application внутриматочных contraceptives does not render influence on desease РШМ [6]. Подробнее...

The received results testify to statistically significant advantage of mode ТАС in increase безрецидивной and the general{common} survival rate, is especial in subgroups of patients with positive РЭ and РП, and also at involving in process 1-3 axillary лимфоузлов (tab. 1). At the same time, use of mode ТАС was accompanied by the greater гематологической toxicity and the septic complications connected to it{her}, the truth in one group is not marked the lethal outcomes caused by a sepsis. Подробнее...