нии онкологии г москвы
The arsenal of the antineoplastic means used for carrying out of chemotherapy of the second line is extraordinary great. To them concern паклитаксел, доцетаксел, топотекан, липосомальный доксорубицин, пероральный этопозид, винорельбин, гемцитабин, оксалиплатин, алтретамин, ифосфамид. So big list of preparations is more likely the certificate of that any of them does not allow to reach{achieve} long remissions at the majority of patients. Efficiency of them changes from 12 up to 40 % at average life expectancy of 9-12 months. Подробнее...
Efficiency hypodermic мастэктомии at a distance dairy железы called a fabric into question Goldman and Goldwyn in 1973 when, after executed on standard technics{technical equipment} hypodermic мастэктомии, the residual fabric has been found in 83 % [24]. Other research which has been lead{which has been carried out} to 1991 Barton et al. [25], in which was compared the quantity{amount} of the fabric left after modified radical мастэктомии and full ferruterous мастэктомии by a plenty интрооперационных биопсий, result had 5 % positive биопсий at both types of operations, at average quantity{amount} of a left fabric dairy железы 0,2 % from initial volume. The conclusion which has been made, consist that full ferruterous мастэктомия is effective procedure for removal{distance} of a fabric dairy железы in comparison with modified radical мастэктомией. Подробнее...