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- Лейкоз
- Острый лейкоз
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- Лейкоз крови
- Рак

колоректальный рак

In view of this information the following stage of discussion, apparently, should rise a question on expediency of carrying out адъювантной beam therapy at this category of patients in view of decrease{reduction} in aesthetic value of an offered{a suggested} technique. Подробнее...

Authors conclude that the percent{interest} of development of local relapses does not differ from the data рецидивирования the ambassador стандарной мастэктомии, however these data force to think of influence of local relapses on the general{common} survival rate at the given category of patients. In this connection the approach to treatment of relapses should be same, as well as at relapses after modified radical мастэктомии. Подробнее...