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институты онкологии в г москве

In РОНЦ him{it}. N.N.Blohina of Russian Academy of Medical Science in surgical branch of regenerative treatment мастэктомия with preservation of a leather{skin} is carried out since 1995. Now the data of this branch, III oncological branches of city clinical hospital are incorporated? 1. Novosibirsk, and branch of the general{common} oncology of regional clinical hospital of Tula. In total by February, 2000 58 operations, from them 23 with use силиконовых экспандеров are executed, at 35 reconstruction is executed TРAM-by a rag on a muscular leg. Подробнее...

Malignant tumours - tumor malignum, grow much faster. Environments have no. Tumoral cells{cages} and тяжи them will penetrate into surrounding fabrics (инфильтративный growth), damaging{injuring} them. Sprouting lymphatic or a blood vessel, they can be transferred by a current of blood or a lymph to lymph nodes or the remote body and to form there the secondary center of tumoral growth - a metastasis. The histologic picture of a malignant tumour considerably differs from a fabric from which she{it} has developed. Its{her} cells{cages} атипичны, полиморфны, with a plenty митозов. A characteristic attribute of a tumoral fabric is анаплазия - return to more primitive type. Морфологически it is shown by loss of a differentiation, is functional - loss of specific function. Подробнее...