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мазок на онкологию

Middle age of patients has made 64 years; 84 % had positive рецепторный the status, 34 % - positive axillary лимфоузлы, 21 % of patients received адъювантную chemotherapy earlier. Reception анастрозола associated with reduction of risk рецидивирования on 17 % (1 % in absolute values) in comparison with тамоксифеном (р=0,0129); the combination анастрозола and тамоксифена did not differ on efficiency from monotherapy тамоксифеном. It is necessary to note, that reception анастрозола associated also with essential decrease{reduction} in risk of development контралатерального a cancer dairy железы (р=0,0068). Костно-muscular pains, and also crises of bones much more often were observed in group анастрозола while тромбоэмболические episodes and gynecologic complications, including a cancer эндометрия, much more often met in group тамоксифена. Thus, анастрозол it can be considered{examined} as alternative тамоксифену at patients in менопаузе with positive receptors. Reception анастрозола has considerably lowered frequency of development контралатерального a cancer, and this fact is the basis for studying group ингибиторов ароматазы as means of preventive maintenance of a cancer dairy железы in groups with the raised{increased} risk. Подробнее...

In this aspect interest work Newman [37] devoted to local relapses after operations of similar type also deserves. At 372 patients with a cancer dairy железы T1, T2, for the period with 1986 till 1993, relapses have been marked at 23 sick (6,2 %) with the average period of occurrence 25 мес and in 96 % of cases have been submitted by palpated formations{educations} in a leather{skin} dairy железы. At 14 patients relapse has been subjected surgical иссечению in a combination with system therapy. The resection reconstructed железы has been executed at three patients. The full local control has been achieved at 74 % of patients. At nine (39 %) have developed the remote metastasises. At average term of supervision 26 мес 14 from 23 patients (61 %) are alive without attributes of illness, 7 (30 %) have died. Подробнее...