центр онкологии
There are messages on detection virus ДНК in cells{cages} РШМ both in integrated, and in эписомальной forms. Essential distinctions in character of integration ВПЧ of types 16 and 18 come to light. On the basis of the data on forms of integration virus ДНК assumptions of the possible{probable} importance of both forms персистенции ДНК ВПЧ types 16 and 18 are stated, and integration is not a determining part in the mechanism of an induction туморогенеза [23]. Подробнее...
The private residence costs{stands} research ICON-3 in which 2039 patients Ic-IV with stages of a cancer яичников have taken part. In control group patients received карбоплатин in doze AUC> 5 or combination САР (500/50/50 mg / m2), in compared group - a combination цисплатина and паклитаксела (75/175 mg / m2). Treatment was carried out{was spent} each 3 weeks in volume of 6 rates. The preliminary data testify that time before progressing and general life expectancy was identical irrespective of used chemotherapy. Sick (57 %) in group карбоплатина and CAP received the majority таксаны as chemotherapy of the second line that explains rather good remote results. Подробнее...