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хронический миело лейкоз

Virus ДНК it is capable персистировать in a cell{cage} in эписомальной or the integrated forms. In fabrics эпителиальных дисплазий шейки a uterus are found out эписомальные forms ДНК ВПЧ. In most cases РШМ and in the cellular lines received from РШМ and containing ВПЧ, virus sequences are defined{determined} in the integrated form [21]. Подробнее...

There is not clear a value циторедуктивной to operation at patients with IV stage of a cancer яичников. The majority of authors agree that at the general{common} satisfactory condition of patients attempt of the maximal removal{distance} of weight of a tumour at the first stage with the subsequent carrying out of chemotherapy is expedient. Подробнее...