онколог фитотерапевт
1491 patient with a cancer has taken part in research BCRIG01 dairy железы with positive axillary лимфоузлами; middle age has made 49 years, 62 % of patients had from 1 up to 3 лимфоузлов, at 69 % of a tumour were рецепторопозитивными on РЭ and РП, at 20 % - positive on HER2/neu. All patients having positive РЭ and РП, received also тамоксифен in a doze of 20 mg / ЯТФ. Within 5 years. The median of time of supervision at the moment of the analysis of results has made 33 (0-49) months. Подробнее...
The direction of action of fiber Е6 (супрессорное or трансактивирующее) is defined{determined} by character, position and number of sites of linkage транскрипционных factors in promotors. The promotor р97 (ВПЧ type 16) can play a role in maintenance of a latent condition of a virus infection. With онкобелком Е6 ВПЧ types 16 and 18 7 cellular fibers cooperate at least, now from them 3 cellular fibers are identified: р53, Е6-АР, Е6-ВР. The gene р53 is associated both with the control of cellular growth, and with неопластической transformation; делеции or mutations in some cases transform р53 in active онкоген. Not all malignant tumours have mutations р53, the alternative mechanism инактивации р53 however is proved by linkage with онкобелком Е6 ВПЧ types 16 and 18, that results in loss of the control for пролиферацией cells{cages}. Cellular fiber Е6-АР (Е6 associated protein) in a complex with онкобелком Е6 participates in degradation р53, and also, probably, shortens the period полужизни and reduces a level р53 in ВПЧ-иммортализованных cells{cages}. Fiber Е6-ВР (E6-binding protein) cooperates with gene Е6 ВПЧ of types 16 and 18, that in result results in inhibition of process of a differentiation of cells{cages} and, probably, creates conditions for репликации virus ДНК. Подробнее...