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рак лимфатического узла

For acknowledgement{confirmation} of some positions it is necessary to continue molecular and цитогенетические researches on all tumours аногенитальной the zones, connected with ВПЧ. Now, after accumulation of a plenty epidemiological and эксперементальных the data, РШМ it is represented by unique model for studying virus канцерогенеза and definitions of associations between молекулярно-genetic changes caused by a virus and features of clinical current and the forecast of disease. Подробнее...

Thus, today in our disposal there is a lot of effective preparations and modes for treatment of patients by the widespread cancer яичников. As the first line of chemotherapy it is possible to use the combined modes (карбоплатин-паклитаксел, цисплатин-паклитаксел, карбоплатин-доцетаксел or CAP) or monotherapy by preparations of platinum (цисплатин 100 mg / m2 each 3 weeks of 6 rates or 50 mg / m2 weekly within 9 weeks, карбоплатин AUC x 5-7 each 3-4 weeks of 6 rates). The patients who have received at the first stage of treatment modes without inclusion таксанов, should receive necessarily таксаны in the second line of chemotherapy. At purpose{assignment} of the above-stated preparations and combinations in full dozes and recommended intervals it is possible to expect for reception of average time before progressing 15-17 months and average life expectancy of 30-36 months. Подробнее...