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рак кожи диагностика

Modern techniques of reconstruction dairy железы after radical мастэктомии, be this use силиконовых имплантатов or moving of кожно-muscular rags, forms and volume dairy железы collide{face} with a challenge of formation anew. Despite of significant progress in the field of the reconstructive - plastic surgery, the plenty of techniques connected to development, this problem, and also a problem appreciable рубцов after reconstruction create necessity for the further perfection of approaches to reconstruction dairy железы the ambassador мастэктомии. Подробнее...

The data of the first intermediate analysis of results of research BCRIG01 are published, in which comparison of efficiency of standard mode FAC (500/50/500) with a таксан-containing mode (with inclusion Таксотера) ТАС (75/50/500 (1) is lead{carried out}. Both modes were used with an interval of 3 weeks in quantity{amount} of 6 rates. This first published research estimating a role доцетаксела (Таксотера) in адъювантной of therapy of a cancer dairy железы. Earlier in two other researches (С9344 and В30) the role паклитаксела has been investigated, and one of them (С9344) has shown increase безрецидивной and the general{common} survival rate at patients with рецептороотрицательными tumours at use паклитаксела is consecutive with a mode the EXPERT. Подробнее...