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онкология коленный сустав

It is possible to offer two explanations of this phenomenon. First, quality of performance циторедуктивных operations therefore the sizes of residual formations{educations} and volume of residual tumoral weight after performance of operative intervention were essentially reduced has improved. The second reason is connected with the advent of the new antineoplastic preparations possessing activity at a cancer яичников. To such preparations concern, in particular, таксаны (паклитаксел and доцетаксел). Подробнее...

Evolution of surgical approaches from radical мастэктомии Холстеда up to органосохраняющих operations, has allowed to look more widely at a problem of surgical treatment and to pay attention to operative interventions which were applied, basically, at good-quality diseases dairy железы or as preventive procedure. Thus the basic purpose, certainly, was improvement of quality of a life of patients by a cancer dairy железы by optimization of results of reconstructive - plastic interventions. Подробнее...