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клиника невролгии терапии и онкологии

Measures of primary preventive maintenance in which basis the healthy way of life, refusal of harmful habits lays, we can avoid presenilation and only remove risk of occurrence at ourselves онкозаболеваний on later age. But we can affect essentially desease a cancer by duly revealing and treatment of precancer diseases. We can as to affect death rate from a cancer. The majority of oncological diseases give in to treatment at their duly revealing. Подробнее...

In РОНЦ him{it}. N.N.Blohina of Russian Academy of Medical Science in surgical branch of regenerative treatment мастэктомия with preservation of a leather{skin} is carried out since 1995. Now the data of this branch, III oncological branches of city clinical hospital are incorporated? 1. Novosibirsk, and branch of the general{common} oncology of regional clinical hospital of Tula. In total by February, 2000 58 operations, from them 23 with use силиконовых экспандеров are executed, at 35 reconstruction is executed TРAM-by a rag on a muscular leg. Подробнее...