онкология и озонотерапия
One more interesting work on this theme has been issued in 1998 Slavin with colleagues [38]. Except for discussion of technical features of performance мастэктомии with preservation of a leather{skin} and one-stage reconstruction by a rag on the broadest muscle of a back with эндопротезированием, authors also had been lead{had been carried out} research of presence эпителия внедольковых channels in border of a resection of a leather{skin} dairy железы on distance of 5 mm from ареолы. In one case from 144 биопсий at 32 patients not was cells{cages} эпителия channels are found out. The percent{interest} of local relapses has made 2 % with the average period of supervision of 45 months. Подробнее...
Authors conclude that the percent{interest} of development of local relapses does not differ from the data рецидивирования the ambassador стандарной мастэктомии, however these data force to think of influence of local relapses on the general{common} survival rate at the given category of patients. In this connection the approach to treatment of relapses should be same, as well as at relapses after modified radical мастэктомии. Подробнее...