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детская онкология нейрохирургия

The data on influence of long steroid contraception on frequency дисплазии and a cancer шейки a uterus разноречивы. Insignificant increase in frequency дисплазии and преинвазивного РШМ at the women using steroid contraceptives, have noted Andolsek with соавт. (1983), Piper (1985.) Svan and Brown (1981), Vassey with соавт. (1983) have defined{determined} relative risk РШМ equal 1,5 and 2,5 accordingly, in other researches it is not marked correlations between application of hormonal contraceptives and РШМ [3]. Experts the CART (Geneva, 1985) Came to a conclusion, that the treatment of the data on use of steroid contraceptives is inconvenient as because of the big number of preparations and absence of the authentic cytologic control over a condition эпителия шейки a uterus prior to the beginning and during application of steroid contraceptives, and owing to interrelation of frequency of application of contraceptives and sexual activity. Now there are convincing data on raised{increased} risk РШМ at smoking щенщин. Hellberg with соавт. (1983), Greenberg with соавт. (1986), Winkelstein (1985), Brinton (1986) mark association of smoking with the early beginning of a sexual life and often change of sexual partners, Hoffman with соавт. (1985), Sasson with соавт. (1985) suppose to a - cancerogenic role contained in a tobacco smoke of nicotine and котинина [4]. Подробнее...

One of the basic methods of rehabilitation of this category of patients, especially young age, reconstruction dairy железы is. In the past, surgeons frequently tried to defer reconstruction so that results of reconstruction were compared to a "empty" chest wall after мастэктомии. Many women count it the certificate of insufficient efforts during psychological rehabilitation after removal{distance} dairy железы [5, 6]. In comparative research of 83 women by which reconstructive operation and 50 patients without reconstruction has been executed, 83 % of the first group have noted, that reconstruction was выжным the moment in restoration from a trauma connected to the diagnosis of a cancer dairy железы [7]. In рандомизированном research among 64 women with an operable cancer dairy железы, to which the one-stage or deferred reconstruction has been offered (12 months after мастэктомии), in group with one-stage reconstruction had more positive attitude{relation} to the body in 3 months, than in group with deferred пластикой [8]. Frequently women do not want to carry out deferred to plastic for the reason that do not want to become again patients and anew to experience the emotional trauma associated with the primary diagnosis of a cancer dairy железы. Подробнее...