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институт онкологии москва

The cellular lines received from tumours, and биоптаты from патологически the changed fabrics long time remained a unique material for studying mechanisms папилломавирусной infections. Unsuccessfulness of reproduction папилломавируса in culture of cells{cages}, absence convincing серологических tests for a virus infection, variety of displays цитопатических effects of a virus and subjectivity of an estimation and interpretation a virus - induced cytologic and гистопатологических changes constrained the further researches. Подробнее...

Other aspect for a long time occuring among doctors is an opinion, that one-stage reconstruction can prevent detection of local relapses. The two-year-old period of expectation has frequently been justified by that рецидивирование is shown more often in this time interval. Nevertheless, frequency of revealing of local relapses at one-stage reconstruction same, as well as the ambassador мастэктомии without reconstruction [9, 10]. Подробнее...