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плазмобластный лейкоз

For acknowledgement{confirmation} of some positions it is necessary to continue molecular and цитогенетические researches on all tumours аногенитальной the zones, connected with ВПЧ. Now, after accumulation of a plenty epidemiological and эксперементальных the data, РШМ it is represented by unique model for studying virus канцерогенеза and definitions of associations between молекулярно-genetic changes caused by a virus and features of clinical current and the forecast of disease. Подробнее...

Evolution of surgical approaches from radical мастэктомии Холстеда up to органосохраняющих operations, has allowed to look more widely at a problem of surgical treatment and to pay attention to operative interventions which were applied, basically, at good-quality diseases dairy железы or as preventive procedure. Thus the basic purpose, certainly, was improvement of quality of a life of patients by a cancer dairy железы by optimization of results of reconstructive - plastic interventions. Подробнее...