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Онкогенный the potential папилломавирусов essentially varies; on ability to initiate диспластические (precancer) changes and a cancer папилломавирусы are conditionally divided{shared} into groups of "high" and "low" risk of occurrence of tumoral transformation infected эпителия. Types ВПЧ 6,11, 42, 43, 44 have been classified as types of low risk of development of a cancer, types 16, 18, 48, 56 - high risk. So, ВПЧ types 6 and 11 are the reason peaked кондилом, are frequently identified at дисплазиях easy and average degrees of weight and are seldom connected to tumours шейки a uterus. ВПЧ types 16 and 18 prevail of other types папилломавирусов at РШМ, ВПЧ type 16 comes to light in 50-70 % of cases, in 10-20 % comes to light ВПЧ type 18, other types ВПЧ of high risk come to light much less often [13,14,21]. Most frequently meeting 16 type of a virus is determined, it{he} is revealed in 21 % of cases CIN-I, in 57 % of cases CIN-II-III. With an infection types of a virus 16 and 18 associate 67-93 % of cases РШМ, the virus of type 18 is found out approximately in 2 times less often than a virus of type 16 [11,13.15,18]. The virus of a papilloma of type 18 is associated with development аденокарцином, has higher онкогенный potential, with it{him} connect fast rate of a tumoral progression, a low level of a differentiation infected эпителия, the adverse forecast others онкогенными types [12,14]. Подробнее...

Modern молекулярно-trouble-shooting tests quickly move ahead in a direction of increase of their sensitivity and specificity. Now for identification virus ДНК various techniques of hybridization ДНК and molecular cloning are used. The most sensitive method now recognizes полимеразная chain reaction with типоспецифическими and species-specific праймерами, allowing to reveal virus sequences in геноме cells{cages} of tumours шейки a uterus in 95-100 % of cases [5,14,18,22]. Now it is identified more than 100 types ВПЧ, are in detail described more than 70 types, the fact is fixed, that certain types ВПЧ can infect strictly certain kind эпителия and to cause characteristic changes. Revealing of multi-variant approach of genotypes ВПЧ and identification of the data specific accumulation about malignant transformation генитальных кондилом have allowed to consider{examine} папилломавирус as possible{probable} этиологический the factor of development РШМ [13,15,20,23]. Подробнее...