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лучший онколог маммолог москвы

In 1997 the works devoted to an oncological estimation of the given approach in reconstructive - plastic surgery dairy железы began to appear. So Carlson in 1997 has published materials of research [34], where compared frequency of development of local relapses and postoperative complications in groups of patients by which have been executed standard radical мастэктомия (188 operations, the average period of supervision 48,2 мес) and мастэктомия to preservation of a leather{skin} (327, the average period of supervision 37,5 мес) with one-stage reconstruction dairy железы with 1989 on 1994. Local relapses инвазивного a cancer in group стандарных мастэктомий have made 9,5 %, and in group мастэктомии with preservation of a leather{skin} - 4,8 %. Interventions were not required from 45 % of patients in the first group on opposite dairy iron while in the second group at 65 % of patients satisfactory symmetry after the first operation has been achieved. Also the percent{interest} некроза skin rags after мастэктомии was compared. In the first group it{he} has made 11,2 %, and in group мастэктомии with preservation of a leather{skin} of 10,7 %, i.e. essentially did not differ. Unfortunately, authors do not explain, to what decrease{reduction} in number of relapses almost twice in group where the theoretical risk of development of relapse should be higher can be connected. Подробнее...

To this time concern definition Melnick (1952), A.D.Timofeevskim (1961) with the help of электронно-microscopic technics{technical equipment} of constant presence вирусоподобных телец in папиллломах. Barrett (1954) has established the fact of transfer генитальных кондилом at гетеросексуальных the sexual relations, Dunn and Ogilvie (1968) have allocated virus particles from генитальных warts [4,9]. As the characteristic of cytologic changes in эпителии шейки a uterus, observable at папилломатозе, Aure (1949) described перинуклеарные changes in cells{cages} at research мазков with шейки a uterus. For the description of similar changes Koss, Durfee (1956) have entered into clinical practice the term " койлоцитотическая атипия " for which large cells{cages} with rather small гиперхромным a nucleus surrounded with transparent cytoplasm are characteristic. Authors for the first time have noted communication{connection} between койлоцитотической атипией. дисплазией and РШМ. Woodruff, Peterson (1958) and Pitkin, Kent (1963) have described histologic characteristics of classical forms папилломатозных кондилом; long time папилломатозные кондиломы were considered as unique morphological display папилломавирусной infections of sexual ways [9,10]. Подробнее...