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гирудотерапия и онкология груди

Evolution of surgical approaches from radical мастэктомии Холстеда up to органосохраняющих operations, has allowed to look more widely at a problem of surgical treatment and to pay attention to operative interventions which were applied, basically, at good-quality diseases dairy железы or as preventive procedure. Thus the basic purpose, certainly, was improvement of quality of a life of patients by a cancer dairy железы by optimization of results of reconstructive - plastic interventions. Подробнее...

Tumour name superfluous pathological growths of the fabrics consisting of qualitatively changed cells{cages} which have lost a differentiation of an organism. From the terms accepted in medicine designating tumoral process, the following most are frequently used: тумор - tumores, новообразования - neoplasma, бластома - blastomata, - last most full displays an essence of process. Бластома occurs from the Greek verb бластонейн - to grow. On character and rates of growth of a tumour share on good-quality and malignant. Подробнее...