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рак сигмовидной кишки

In this aspect interest work Newman [37] devoted to local relapses after operations of similar type also deserves. At 372 patients with a cancer dairy железы T1, T2, for the period with 1986 till 1993, relapses have been marked at 23 sick (6,2 %) with the average period of occurrence 25 мес and in 96 % of cases have been submitted by palpated formations{educations} in a leather{skin} dairy железы. At 14 patients relapse has been subjected surgical иссечению in a combination with system therapy. The resection reconstructed железы has been executed at three patients. The full local control has been achieved at 74 % of patients. At nine (39 %) have developed the remote metastasises. At average term of supervision 26 мес 14 from 23 patients (61 %) are alive without attributes of illness, 7 (30 %) have died. Подробнее...

The arsenal of the antineoplastic means used for carrying out of chemotherapy of the second line is extraordinary great. To them concern паклитаксел, доцетаксел, топотекан, липосомальный доксорубицин, пероральный этопозид, винорельбин, гемцитабин, оксалиплатин, алтретамин, ифосфамид. So big list of preparations is more likely the certificate of that any of them does not allow to reach{achieve} long remissions at the majority of patients. Efficiency of them changes from 12 up to 40 % at average life expectancy of 9-12 months. Подробнее...