- Лечение онкологии
- Меланома
- Лейкоз
- Острый лейкоз
- Хронический лейкоз
- Лейкоз крови
- Рак

медицина меланома глаза

Long-term experience shows, that the chemotherapy of the second line allows to supervise symptoms of disease at the majority of patients including resistant to derivatives of platinum, it is essential to increase duration of remission and a life at separate patients with high sensitivity platinum derivatives, but is not capable to result in treatment. Thus, for the overwhelming majority of patients the chemotherapy of the second line has palliative character [12]. Подробнее...

In the first reviews the data on wide circulation ВПЧ in a population and his{its} expressed онкогенном potential [20] are submitted. Authors pay attention, that only инфицирования a virus of a papilloma it is not enough of one for an induction of tumoral growth, and specify a role кофакторов in ВПЧ-DEPENDENT канцерогенезе. Thus, ифекция a virus of a papilloma is necessary, but not a determinative of development of malignant process, иммортализации and transformations are involved in processes the cellular factors participating in regulation of a cellular cycle and a differentiation of cells{cages} [5,20,22]. Подробнее...