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рак кишечника

For acknowledgement{confirmation} of some positions it is necessary to continue molecular and цитогенетические researches on all tumours аногенитальной the zones, connected with ВПЧ. Now, after accumulation of a plenty epidemiological and эксперементальных the data, РШМ it is represented by unique model for studying virus канцерогенеза and definitions of associations between молекулярно-genetic changes caused by a virus and features of clinical current and the forecast of disease. Подробнее...

The problem of oncological diseases is one of main for a modern society. Under forecasts the CART desease and death rate oncological diseases all over the world will increase in 2 times for the period since 1999 for 2020: with 10 up to 20 million new cases and with 6 up to 12 million registered death. Подробнее...