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In the first reviews the data on wide circulation ВПЧ in a population and his{its} expressed онкогенном potential [20] are submitted. Authors pay attention, that only инфицирования a virus of a papilloma it is not enough of one for an induction of tumoral growth, and specify a role кофакторов in ВПЧ-DEPENDENT канцерогенезе. Thus, ифекция a virus of a papilloma is necessary, but not a determinative of development of malignant process, иммортализации and transformations are involved in processes the cellular factors participating in regulation of a cellular cycle and a differentiation of cells{cages} [5,20,22]. Подробнее...

The received results testify to statistically significant advantage of mode ТАС in increase безрецидивной and the general{common} survival rate, is especial in subgroups of patients with positive РЭ and РП, and also at involving in process 1-3 axillary лимфоузлов (tab. 1). At the same time, use of mode ТАС was accompanied by the greater гематологической toxicity and the septic complications connected to it{her}, the truth in one group is not marked the lethal outcomes caused by a sepsis. Подробнее...