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республиканский центр детской онкологии

Depth инвазии tumours, defeat of lymphatic vessels and units, параметральная and влагалищная инфильтрация do not depend from молекулярно-genetic a determinant of infection ВПЧ [14]. Кing (1989) has not found out communication{connection} between type ВПЧ revealed in a tumour and frequency of metastasises in регионарные лимфоузлы, Girardi (1992) observed more often defeat параметриев and лимфоузлов in cases, positive on ВПЧ type 16. Results of researches Sebbelov (1991), Kentner (1993), Ikenberg (1994) have not shown association between молекулярно-genetic determinants of infection ВПЧ and the forecast, in works Walker (1989) and Burnett (1992) is informed on much worse forecast in cases, positive on ВПЧ type 18 [цит. On 14]. However the majority of researches includes no more than 100 cases, thus definition of presence of virus sequences was made by a method of блот-hybridization on Саузерну, allowing to reveal fragments генома ВПЧ no more than in 75 % of cases РШМ [14]. Подробнее...

In the first reviews the data on wide circulation ВПЧ in a population and his{its} expressed онкогенном potential [20] are submitted. Authors pay attention, that only инфицирования a virus of a papilloma it is not enough of one for an induction of tumoral growth, and specify a role кофакторов in ВПЧ-DEPENDENT канцерогенезе. Thus, ифекция a virus of a papilloma is necessary, but not a determinative of development of malignant process, иммортализации and transformations are involved in processes the cellular factors participating in regulation of a cellular cycle and a differentiation of cells{cages} [5,20,22]. Подробнее...