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онкология опухоли спинного мозга

Preservation ареолы and иссечение the dummy by a technique "nipple-coring" [26], in opinion of authors does not represent danger how, in their opinion, channels settle down only in a dummy. However the special research which has been lead{which has been carried out} in 1993 Schnitt et al. [27], where was investigated presence of channels in ареолярной to a zone in постмастэктомических preparations, has shown, that эпителий channels settles down practically on all surface ареолы, including its{her} peripheral departments. Thus, for decrease{reduction} in risk of development of a cancer in this area it is necessary to delete completely also сосково-ареолярный a complex with his{its} subsequent reconstruction. Подробнее...

Break of a ring molecule virus ДНК can occur in any place, however most frequently - in area Е1/Е2; exception is area URR-Е6-Е7, which интактна as in морфологически not changed эпителии and at дисплазиях, and in tumoral cells{cages}. Disappearance супрессорной causes functions of virus fiber Е2 суперэкспрессию virus онкогенов Е6-Е7, трансформирующее which action promotes a progression неоплазий. It is supposed, that gene Е1 participates in suppression of the virus promotor, consequence{investigation} of a mutation of gene Е1 are activation of a transcription virus генома and increase трансформирующей activity virus онкогенов [16,23]. Подробнее...