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лейкоциты химиятерапия онкология

Authors conclude that the percent{interest} of development of local relapses does not differ from the data рецидивирования the ambassador стандарной мастэктомии, however these data force to think of influence of local relapses on the general{common} survival rate at the given category of patients. In this connection the approach to treatment of relapses should be same, as well as at relapses after modified radical мастэктомии. Подробнее...

Preservation ареолы and иссечение the dummy by a technique "nipple-coring" [26], in opinion of authors does not represent danger how, in their opinion, channels settle down only in a dummy. However the special research which has been lead{which has been carried out} in 1993 Schnitt et al. [27], where was investigated presence of channels in ареолярной to a zone in постмастэктомических preparations, has shown, that эпителий channels settles down practically on all surface ареолы, including its{her} peripheral departments. Thus, for decrease{reduction} in risk of development of a cancer in this area it is necessary to delete completely also сосково-ареолярный a complex with his{its} subsequent reconstruction. Подробнее...