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онкология и рассеянный склероз

During many years was considered, that usual, flat (ювенильные) and генитальные warts are caused by one type папилломавируса, and distinctions in clinical current are caused by distinctions in localization. Sights at a pathology кондилом шейки a uterus have been considerably reconsidered after Meisels, Fortin (1976), Purola, Savia (1976) have described генитальные flat and inverted (эндофитные) кондиломы, having defined{determined} their basic difference from кондилом other localizations, and postulated цитоморфологические attributes папилломавирусной infections: коилоцитоз or баллонирование the cells{cages}, described increased, гиперхромными the nucleus surrounded with a precise zone of light cytoplasm. Later with the help электронно-microscopic, иммуногистохимических and ДНК-гибридизационных researches it has been confirmed them папилломавирусная этиология [9,20]. Подробнее...

In spite of the fact that анастрозол has shown the superiority before тамоксифеном, last while remains the standard адъювантной гормонотерапии (term of reception - 5 years) as time of supervision in research АТАС, equal 33 months, is, in opinion of the majority of the experts, insufficient to recommend анастрозол as the standard адъювантной эндокринотерапии. Подробнее...