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клиники и центры онкологии

The concept of virus nature РШМ has a long history and is inextricably related with researches кондилом various localizations. Генитальные кондиломы are described even in works on antique medicine. The first assumptions of the infectious nature of a cancer шейки a uterus has stated in 1842 Rigoni-Stern. In 1903 Borrel and Bosc have offered the virus theory of development of tumours; Rous, Kidd (1938); Rous, Friedewald (1941) have received proofs of amplification{strengthening} of activity опухолеродных viruses at the presence of cancerogenic substances. Achievements in эксперементальной to virology have allowed L.A.Zilberu (1945), later Horsfall (1963) and Southam (1964) to formulate positions about опухолеродных viruses as the agents transforming a normal cell{cage} in tumoral by means of influence on its{her} genetic material, action of these agents differs from infectious, and in the further duplication of already arisen tumoral cells{cages} опухолеродные viruses of a role do not play. Подробнее...

Considering these data, in the beginning of 90th the first publications published by several surgeons which concerned changes of traditional cuts{sections} at modified radical мастэктомии with the purpose of improvement of results of one-stage reconstruction dairy железы have appeared. In particular, the first work on this theme has been published in magazine " Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery " in 1990 Toth et al. in section " Ideas and innovations " [28]. In this work the case of one-stage reconstruction of both dairy желез concerning a mucous cancer right dairy железы at the patient with risk of development of a cancer in another dairy iron has been submitted. In connection with that at the patient dairy железы were sizable in a combination with expressed птозом, it has been executed modified radical мастэктомия with cuts{sections} on type редукционной plastics and preventive мастэктомия at the left with one-stage reconstruction билатеральным completely деэпителизированным cross-section ректо-абдоминальным (TРAM) a rag c good aesthetic result. In one year, the same group of surgeons publishes the report on 17 patients with which one-stage reconstruction c has been executed by application of a similar technique which the author has named " Wise pattern " with use of various techniques of reconstruction. In this work the term " мастэктомия with preservation of a leather{skin} " for the first time has sounded, and also principles of performance of similar operative interventions have been sounded. These principles included: 1) Removal{Distance} of all fabric dairy железы 2) removal{distance} сосково-ареолярного a complex 3) removal{distance} of a leather{skin} in a projection preoperative биопсии 4) an opportunity to execute axillary лимфаденэктомию from the same access. Подробнее...